The Growling Bear
Sleepless Nights:
About 10 years ago, my hunting partner and I embarked on our first Yukon Moose hunt. We had months and months of planning all summed up to this point and we were ready to kick some serious Moose butt. After getting dropped off at our hunting location by Papa Bear, we immediatly set up camp, inflated the boat, filtered some water and surveyed the land for next morning hunt. As we couldn’t hunt the first day due to Alaskan regulations, we had plenty of time to commit to a great camp and relax in the evening. After a freeze dried meal for supper, we had a glass of our favorite whisky in celebration and called it a night.
This was not my first time camping in the Alaskan wilds, but it was my first time so far away from civilization and in an unfamiliar area. I wasn’t quite sure on the current bear situation and was slightly on edge that first night. We were exhausted from the long day and fell asleep fast. I am a light sleeper and fully expected to wake up several times during the night. The first time I woke up was to a loud splash in the slough next to us. I got pretty nervous and had my pistol on my chest and my headlamp on my head. This continued to happen several times. My partner was up by this point. Both of us determined it was just an angry beaver and we went back to sleep. I woke up again to some mice or shrew running around outside the tent. The third time I awoke, my heart immediately was pounding out of my chest. I was listening to a low pitch growl and immediately woke my partner up. We both sat there, eyes as big as saucers, hearts pumping a thousand gallons a minute, guns in our hands, fully expecting a bear to come through the door any second. Funny how your brain correlates the only way into a tent is through the door, even when you have 4 inch long claws and huge canines. We sat there for what seemed an eternity with out hearing the growling noise again. We figured the bear must have gone away and eventually went back to sleep, of course with our guns right next to us. The fourth time I woke up, same thing. Growling, some snorting and I just am scared out of my body by this point and immediately wake my partner up again and start hollering at the beast. “Get out of here!” “Shoo bear, shoo.” We sit there for an even longer period of time, just listening. Nothing. Now I think this bear, or what ever it is, is toying with me. Or am I going crazy? I just gave up and planned on staying up all night ready for what ever might come next. My partner does the same but eventually falls asleep as he stops responding to my questions and conversation. I can’t believe my ears, I start to hear the growling again. This time I just listen. I slowly begin to realize that a pretty consistent pattern began to develop and the volume remained relatively the same. Every once in a while, it sounded like the animal was holding its breath, almost like it had sleep apnea or something. Tada! At that moment in time, I realized that the bear that had kept me up for half of the dang night was none other then my best friend snoring right next to me. I actually started to laugh. I shook my head, laid down, and finally got some good sleep for the rest of the night.
I learned a valuable lesson on that hunting trip. Never leave for a hunt with out Benadryl, Melatonin, and ear plugs. Benadryl to put you to sleep. Melatonin to keep you asleep, and of course ear plugs to keep out the snoring. The ear plugs come at a cost though. You have to determine what’s more important. Getting a good nights sleep, or hearing the bear attacking you. I chose good sleep. In all my years of hunting and fishing in Alaska, I have just come to this conclusion. Provided I am being as responsible as I can with proper bear etiquette, if a bear wants to get me, he’s going to get me and there’s nothing I can do about it. At that point he’s hunting me and I won’t see it coming. In no way am I resigning, I have just realized that I am not worth a sack of crap if I spend all my time worrying instead of sleeping and resting my body for the next days hunt. I suppose it’s all a matter of opinion. Yehaw!